Daily thoughts
The Great Reset
What if We Could Reset Society with a Clean Slate? What Would You Change? Picture it: the world as we know it—gone. All of it.…
A New Beginning
So here is a pro-tip, never start a blog over the holidays, and a bonus tip, keep things simple. When I started this, the initial…
- Posted On Daily thoughts
And So It Ends…
Not really… Who knew that starting a blog would be so difficult? Considering the amount of time being spent so far it is becoming evident…
Daily Thoughts 11-19-2024
It is a mellow night tonight, like sitting in an empty, dimly lit cafe with a soft jazz band playing slow music that is putting…
Daily Thoughts 11-18-2024
When I decided to start this blog, I thought about so many different ideas. Then I started researching how to start and what to write…
Bryn Stormhawk
Just a guy trying to bring positive vibes to this little world we live in.