So here is a pro-tip, never start a blog over the holidays, and a bonus tip, keep things simple.
When I started this, the initial idea was to have themed days and scheduled posts, and the idea became more complicated than it should have been. Fast forward over a month and here we are. As I thought about this, I asked why not simplify this? If I had an open mic to the world to say whatever I wanted to say, what would I say? That’s what we are here to find out.
This blog will be more of a self-journal of discovery, both internal and external. We live in a time where the world is moving faster than it ever has and human civilization stands at the crossroads of greatness and total annihilation. These days it feels like everything could explode at any given moment, but hasn’t it always been that way?
Even in the best of times, people got sick or had fatal accidents. Chaos, devastation, and sorrow are always a breath away. Such is the fate of being human. We all have an expiration date. Sometimes it seems that in this technology driven world that has brought us to a state of solitary closeness with our fellow human, we seem to have forgotten how to have compassion for each other. In our desperation we seek out validation from strangers, hoping that they will like our random snippet posts of our lives, but at the same time we ignore those that are close, people that really care.
I am restarting this blog journey, but I don’t know where it will lead this time. All I can promise is authenticity. I am a real person, with real ups and downs just like you. I just want to make the world a better place before I die, and maybe while doing it, find out who I really am. I hope to meet you on this journey someday, and maybe together we will find our serenity.
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